A Guide to Choosing the Right Tour Bus for Your Band


Selecting the perfect sleeper bus for your band’s tour involves several crucial factors. This guide is designed to help you navigate the process, ensuring you choose a bus that meets all your needs effectively.


Determine how many people will be on the tour, including crew members, to ensure there are enough sleeping quarters and space for everyone

There are different types of sleeper buses, the one you choose would depend on your requirements for the tour. If a musician has a bigger team of people they may choose a Double Decker bus, ours can accommodate for 8 – 16 people! Smaller teams may only need a Single Decker bus, ours can still fit 8 – 10 people. 

Duration and Distance

Consider how long and far you will be traveling. Longer tours might require more amenities and comfort. Most tour buses will have everything in them that you would need. Such as a bathroom space, a bed and a small kitchen area. Our buses have all of those things and more! HD TV’s, consoles, Wi-Fi! We believe in comfortable travel.

Sleeping Arrangements

Decide between bunk beds or more private sleeping areas, depending on privacy preferences and group dynamics.

Some band buses have private rooms specifically for the artists – ours is called a star sleeper bus.  

Storage Space

Check for adequate storage for instruments, equipment, and personal items. Some buses offer external storage bays in addition to internal spaces.

Tour trailers are ideal for safely transporting a full range of different equipment between venues. 

Entertainment and Connectivity

It’s essential to consider the on-board entertainment and connectivity options, especially for long stretches on the road. Modern sleeper buses are equipped with HD TVs, gaming consoles, and Wi-Fi, providing endless entertainment and keeping everyone connected. Ensuring that these features meet your needs can turn travel time into productive downtime or much-needed relaxation.

Climate Control and Comfort

A well-maintained climate control system is vital for comfortable travel across different climates. Check that the bus’s heating and cooling systems are up to the task of providing a comfortable environment throughout your journey. Comfort can significantly affect mood and performance, so consider buses that offer adjustable climate zones.

You can find all the specifications for our sleeper buses here. If still not sure whether to go with a single, double, or star sleeper coach, our advisors would be happy to talk through your requirements!